Monday 11th October: UN International Day Of The Girl
There are more than 1.1 billion girls under 18 years old who are poised to become the latest and largest generation of leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers.
It is argued that progress for adolescent girls has not kept pace with the realities of today especially following COVID-19. UN International Day Of The Girl focuses on the changes and progress that these women desire.
Discover the stories of some of our own inspirational team and hear the advice they would give their younger selves.
Rebecca Sides
I was younger I always envisaged myself driving a Cabriolet and carrying a briefcase. I knew I wanted to be a “businesswoman”. I didn’t know how to get there but that was the vision.
Speaking to the younger version of Rebecca I would tell her that she is good enough. I would encourage her to step forward with her strengths and embrace her weaknesses.

Penny Lofthouse
When I was younger, I thought I could conquer the world, every passing day I changed my mind on what I wanted to be when I ‘grew up’, finally deciding on a vet.
However, as an 80s child I did the stereotypical secretary course at college. First position in the motor trade, reception and accounts. Current position in the motor trade, Brand Manager.
Don’t ever stop growing and learning as a person, believe in yourself and do what you think you can do, not what others tell you, you can do. Don’t fall into the mindset when building your career that job roles are based on gender….. they aren’t!
Katherine Taylor
As a teen my ambition was to pursue something creative, something I was passionate about and get an education. I was passionate about English Literature and studying this at University opened a lot of doors for me in creative fields after I graduated. It has always been important to me to work in something I love and Marketing allows me to be creative and use the skills I enjoyed from my studies.
Some advice I would give my younger self is to stop worrying so much about what you want to do when you grow up! As you get older and develop a better understanding of what jobs and avenues are available, you will try a few things and start to understand what makes you happy and what you want out of a job. You don’t need all the answers straight away, it’s okay to adapt and change course as you go.

Vay-Linh Luu
During my upper school years, I was asked so many times; What do you want to do/be when you are older? And my usual answer was, I'm not sure. I genuinely didn't know what I wanted to do for a career so made the decision to leave school after completing my GCSEs, and went out in search for my first full-time job. I started my career as an Office Junior, worked in Customer Services, moved in to Risk and Compliance before being approached for a Learning and Development role at my previous organization. I love a challenge so took them up on their offer, and I'm so glad that I did! Personally, I feel a great sense of purpose by supporting others learn, grow and develop - myself included.
Make your own path (one that's right for you), and follow it. Be comfortable if your path changes along the way - mine certainly did, and it led me somewhere I didn't expect but it was the right choice for me. Don't feel the need to "conform", be your authentic self!