What is an Audi Health Check?
During your free Audi health check, our expert technicians will thoroughly inspect multiple areas of your car and ensure everything is working as it should be.
Each area will be given a rating of red, amber or green, indicating any actions needed and how urgent they are.
- Red - Item requires immediate attention. Your Audi Centre will advise accordingly, and you may be able to view online using our Audi Cam technology.
- Amber - Item may require replacement in the near future. Your Audi Centre will advise of a suitable follow up date and contact you at the appropriate time.
- Green - Your Audi is performing at its best.
You can book your Audi health check whenever you like; it’s not restricted to your normal service and maintenance visits.
What areas are inspected during an Audi Health Check?
- Instruments
- Horn
- Interior lights
- Seatbelt operation
- Windscreen washers
- Bodywork
- Glass and mirrors
- External Lights
- Wiper blades
Under the Bonnet
- Fluid levels
- Drive belts
- Visual Battery Check
Brakes and Suspension
- Brake pads
- Brake discs
- Brake hoses
- Dampers
- Steering
- Drive shafts
- Hoses
- Exhaust system
- General fluid leaks
- Tyre tread depth
- Tyre pressures and condition